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So sue me: are lawyers really the key to computer security? (arstechnica.com)
27 points by shawndumas on July 2, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

I hold an unpopular opinion that lawyers and lawsuits are a great way to motivate companies to "do the right thing", where in this case the "right thing" we're talking about is protecting customer data.

Another great motivator for doing the right thing is knowing that customers will vote with their wallets. Unfortunately this isn't always a strong enough motivation because some markets don't have enough competition, or the cost and hassle of changing the companies you do business with is too high. (Don't you wish customers had left AT&T in droves over the NSA spying ordeal?)

That's where another force comes into play, which is government regulation. I lean libertarian, and although I think some regulation is an absolute necessity (especially on environmental issues) my preference is to have the least amount of regulation necessary. That brings us back to the attorneys. When a company like Sony screws up and exposes their customers' data, I'd rather see them get their pants sued off than have the government step in and regulate. Fear of being sued is a much more compelling reason to "do the right thing" than fear of breaking a law, which might only get you a slap on the wrist.

Do frivolous lawsuits exist? Yes, and they piss me off like the next person. Do scumball attorneys exist? Yes, and I hate them like you do. Ironically, I think some of this problem could be solved with new laws, but I haven't really thought about it enough to more specific. (Maybe something along the lines of the loser having to pay the the other side's legal fees, but I can also argue against that from ten angles. I really haven't spent enough time thinking about how to minimize frivolous lawsuits to feel like I can say anything intelligent about it, other than to say that I bet something can be done.)

Anyway, my point is that companies have different forces that can/should/do motivate them to provide data security, and the threat of lawsuit is an excellent one, right up there with fear of losing customers and fear of government regulation. Too much of any one of these forces is bad, but we wouldn't have a healthy mix without attorneys and their lawsuits.

It's going to work for about a year, then when there is a security failure the company will turn around run git/svn blame and sue the individual employee. Hopefully the laws would be written so that when you post security best practices in your TOS and the customer does not follow them the liability can be mitigated (eg. don't reuse passwords on multiple sites)

Re: AT&T where are they going to go? T-Mobile?

It's going to work for about a year, then when there is a security failure the company will turn around run git/svn blame and sue the individual employee.

You bring up an interesting topic which is an extension of the first one. If the forces motivating a company to do the right thing are 1) desire to gain and not lose customers 2) desire to not be penalized by the government and 3) desire to not be sued, then what motivates an employee to also do the right thing? (I'm generalizing the question because this applies to so many things, but I'll switch back to talking about "building secure software" as a specific example of "doing the right thing".)

A software developer should be motivated to build secure code because of these motivators: 1) Desire to build or maintain a good reputation among peers 2) Desire to not get fired 3) Desire to protect employer from harm 4) Desire to protect customers from harm 5) Desire to just do things the right way for the sake of preferring good things over bad. (There's probably a more elegant way to phrase that last one, but it's like how an architect might fight against proposed changes to a blueprint for the sake of the building itself.)

To err is human, and companies are composed of humans. When a company hires a software developer, they are inherently taking on the risk that this human will make mistakes, so I don't think developers should be legally liable for bugs or vulnerabilities in their code unless they are incredibly egregious or intentional. It's the company's responsibility to anticipate the possibility of bugs and vulnerabilities, and to mitigate that risk by hiring good people, and by having good policies, procedures and training. (By having code reviews and conducting security audits, for example.)

I'm sure we're in agreement that developers shouldn't be sued for mistakes in their code, but whether or not they can be sued for honest mistakes is another question. I don't know what the law has to say about that, but if employees aren't already protected against lawsuits for non-egregious mistakes then that should be changed.

Hopefully the laws would be written so that when you post security best practices in your TOS and the customer does not follow them the liability can be mitigated (eg. don't reuse passwords on multiple sites)

I totally agree.  Customers have to bear some of the responsibility as well.

Re: AT&T where are they going to go? T-Mobile?

My point exactly! Going back to three motivators I mentioned for companies to do the right thing, AT&T knew it wouldn't lose a significant number of customers over the NSA spying issue because there's not much competition in their space. (That and apathy, unfortunately.) Also, they knew they wouldn't get penalized by the government for, well, forking data over to the government. That leaves the only viable option being to sue AT&T... except that power was taken away by retroactively granting AT&T immunity by FISA. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepting_v._AT%26T ) This is what makes the AT&T/NSA issue so upsetting. All motivations for AT&T and other telecoms to "do the right thing" have been taken off the table.

Still, Halderman warned that too much litigation could cause companies to become excessively security-conscious. Software developers always face a trade-off between security and other priorities like cost and time to market. Forcing companies to devote too much effort to security can be as harmful as devoting too little.

While I suppose there is always some risk of obscure, exotic vulnerabilities that take substantial creativity to find, the breaches that have been making the news lately have not been of this kind; they've all involved "kindergarten security" as Bruce Schneier put it. Securing applications against these kinds of exploits is not difficult!

Yes it is. Most devastating bugs are actually trivial. English or metric units? The security problem isn't how hard or simple any one bug is; it's how to eradicate them across entire immense codebases, while still shipping with the market.

The vulnerabilities which I'm aware of in regards to the Sony breaches were all SQL-injection based. There are readily available tools which perform automated tests bombing a website with various SQL injection techniques, which I imagine is how they were found by the attackers.

It is negligent to run a website that contains the personal information of thousands+ people and not run a tool like this or do similar analysis to identify these problems. Fixing them may be another matter (although for SQL injection it should be a matter of sanitizing all of your input and parameterizing all of your queries), but I think the ball is in their court in terms of not knowing about them.

The idea that every team (in-house and outsourced) in Sony that owns an application has a security resource, or that the central resource in Sony knows about every application, does not square with the reality of most of the companies I've gotten to know.

This is the same problem I mentioned upthread (trivial bugs sneaking into huge codebases), just generalized out one level.

The original comment I responded to asserted that "securing applications against these kinds of attacks is not difficult". Again: yes it is. I know companies who spend huge amounts of money trying to defend against simple attacks, and they are not 100% successful. It isn't just "not not difficult"; it isn't just "difficult"; it's one of the hardest problems in IT.

The class action suit against Dropbox sounds frivolous... the claimant says she wasn't even aware of the possible security lapse until days later when she read about it from a news source. That's on top of not being notified by Dropbox, which means her account wasn't accessed during the problem window. What possible damages could she be claiming?

1. That the unfair competitive practices Dropbox engaged in when they told people untruths about their security caused her and people like her to select suboptimal storage solutions, which is a claim that arises from a California unfair competition law.

2. That some people in the class had their privacy invaded, the precise number of whom might be found during discovery.

3. That the negligence involved in opening this hole in Dropbox incurred damages at customers for instance by requiring them to take time off to move files off Dropbox.

4. That Dropbox breached its warranty and owes its customers a refund.

Happy to help.

Rather than drag the lawyers into this, (just more paperwork)why don't we look at it from the perspective of the tools we are using? For SQL injection, what stops databases from building an input scrubber that sits between the database and user input and scrubs input to block SQL injection? Or for that matter, why don't we see languages and frameworks used for web development touting the fact they include robust security that's easy to use?

Part of it is culture, we actually have to care about security and part of it is ease of security. If we build tools that make it easier to create a (more) secure environment and push it by default, we can at least make improving security easier.

Nothing stops them from doing that. But they don't. Now what? See, we're back at the premise of the article.

It's been a while coming, but this isn't surprising. Years ago, Nancy Leveson predicted that failures in software systems would lead to quality improvements through lawsuits and legislation, similar to what happened in the early 19th century with steam boilers; http://sunnyday.mit.edu/steam.pdf

It's just a matter of enough of the right people being pissed off, and software is going to find itself more subject to contract laws (click through EULAs won't cut it) and liability.

Partially because there hasn't been user demand for it to date. Such a change will require the programming community to start clamoring for tools to make things secure. We want speed, easy to use syntax, things like that.

You'd be hard pushed to find a framework or language that didn't have, and recommend, ways to access a database that guarantee injection can't happen. If people choose not to use them, there's not a whole lot you can do.

That's just a small part of the puzzle, though, and not every security issue would or could be fixed by solutions of that nature. There is no fix, other than developers being informed, capable, and diligent.

I think you just described PHP's old magic quotes feature, which automatically escaped all user input to, among other things, block SQL injection. It's universally reviled as one of PHP's worst design decisions and is no longer part of the default feature set.

Because it escaped input too early (and did not fully escape), not because auto escaping sql is a bad idea.

I have always believed that it will ultimately be the insurers (through liability insurance conditions) who enforce server security, rather than courts and lawyers. I don't see this as a bad thing.

You should. If insurance is going to solve this, wait 15 years and we'll all need certifications to commit code.

Something is definitely going to change.If it's not insurance driven, then it will be legislated for some types of code.

In most states you need a license just to cut hair. Software can easily cause more damage than a hairdresser.

Shrug. Other industries seem to manage just fine with professional certifications.

The lede is rather disappointing on this. These lawsuits are for services being breached, not being the author of code that gets breached.

Current computer security for companies is analogous to medieval castles: large crude systems with large support requirements and little concern for the security of small individual contributors. Once computer infrastructure effectively moves to less crude large scale centralized forms and provides effective minimal security for every small contributor will the key be available.

My home is my castle; my community infrastructure supports that implementation. Therefore the community does not require a castle. When personal computing equipment is equally robust, large computing systems will not be as necessary and neither will the legal implementations.

Laws and lawyers at the individual level are the key to computer security.

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