That problem is of our own making by giving the government the power to assume IP Location == Probable cause.
That problem is easily solved (in the US at least) by enacting more stringent 4th amendment protections for people and more properly limiting the governments police powers. This should be done anyway regardless of the proposed suggestions about public wifi
Only "not true" if there is some evidence it is not true. I looked at the sibling link and found this:
>> Will opening my network make me liable for others' illegal actions? +
>> This one is a bit more complicated, but the short answer is, "We don't think so." Click here to find out more.
"dont think so" is not convincing. Also not convincing is the broken link on the "Click here to find out more."
I dont think this should be treated lightly -- there is no reason to assume that openly sharing an internet connection is safe given the consequences of illegal use.