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> In contrast, our research indicates that Android developers must create six versions of their apps on average.

That part makes no sense to me. I've never seen a single app in the Android Market that has 6 different versions. And it would probably be obvious. The Market will hide apps that aren't compatible with your device, but each app still has to have a separate, unique name.

The most versions of a single app I've been able to find is TouchDown, which has 3 versions: 1 for Android 1.x devices, 1 for Android 2.x devices, and 1 for MobileIron customers. The third version arguably would still exist even if there were only a single Android handset. http://www.appbrain.com/browse/dev/NitroDesk%2C+Inc.

Anyone have a concrete example of an Android app with 6 versions in the Market?

They're probably also counting the bastardized content pack thingy many people used instead of In-App purchase where you buy/download other items on the store for levels or whatnot.

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