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Which is precisely my problem with it. You build an app (at cost) and then you can't sell it because the turf you're playing on has restrictions.

They need to offer:

1. Certified apps from the app store which are approved via this process. 2. Apps which you can just download and chuck on with no Apple or carrier approval.

Ironically just like the Mac App Store i.e. you don't have to go there.

Oh and like Windows for the last however many years it has been around.

I disagree. They shouldn't do that.

The price of dealing with the restrictions is justified by the exposure you get to a market willing to pay for goods. The few apps I've had that were rejected were done so justifiably, and when they weren't, we worked it out with them.

Most of this is hearsay, not fact.

If it was a free market, you'd be SOL and are defending it on that basis.

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