Same in the Netherlands and any restriction introduced for whatever reason is forever. For instance, when bars had to close at 22:00, people would flood the supermarkets to get booze for drinking at home. So they made a rule that supermarkets can’t sell alcohol after 20:00.
Now the bars have been closed for 3 months. Think anyone would remove that now useless limitation on selling alcohol after 20:00? Think again!
It seems that most people are catching coronavirus in private homes.
makes pubs shit to be in with distancing rules and masks etc
people start to socialise at home more
It seems that most people are catching coronavirus in private homes.
closes pubs earlier
people start to socialise at home more
It seems that most people are catching coronavirus in private homes.
close everything else, make meeting up outside illegal
people start to socialise at home more
It seems that most people are catching coronavirus in private homes.
I literally cannot come up with an explanation for this that isn't conspiratorial. For all of Boris' fluff, I don't believe that our Government is this incompetent or stupid - there has to be an ulterior motive here.
Socialising inside a home was restricted pretty early. Those socialising at home are breaking the law, it's just not something that can be enforced very easily.
Our government demonstrably is this incompetent. Not just on coronavirus.
Yeah it’s like ‘30% of infections are happening in bars’ so let’s close the bars. Well now ’30% of infections are happening in gyms’ so let’s close these.
Wow now that everything is closed, 60% of infections are happening at home! Let’s restrict that!
Are you implying that the total number of infections is held constant somehow, and restrictions merely move them around? Because that's false. Restrictions work.
Statistics show a different reality but even then, if everything outside the house is closed it stands to reason that the percentage of infections inside the house would grow by a lot. Simply because there are no others. And it turns out to be pretty tempting, once infections start rising again (despite the restrictions) to use these percentages to impose even more draconian restrictions.
If you think outside the box there’s plenty of things to do:
* quarantine the infected person outside the home
* develop protocols to avoid infection of the others
* use medication that blocks people from getting infected
* use measures to block infecting the others
It is kind of strange that in this situation somehow the government is justified in taking no action. While in others apparently they are obligated to act.
> I literally cannot come up with an explanation for this that isn't conspiratorial. For all of Boris' fluff, I don't believe that our Government is this incompetent or stupid - there has to be an ulterior motive here.
I do believe the PM is this incompetent and stupid. He's demonstrated a total lack of belief in anything, and is utterly spineless.
(Un)fortunately, the same cannot be said for some of his staff. There's a certain special advisor who drove to a castle (and got a raise) who has an interesting history when it comes to his views on eugenics.
A lot of us wish we could; but in the UK it is illegal to leave the house for anything but food-shopping, a medical appointment or (limited) exercise. I don't think "escaping a police state" falls under any of those.
Afaik most European countries have a travel ban unless it's for work.
Minimizing contact and travel, together with masks and sanitation,is proven to work and currently the only solution- unless hey you have a non tyrannical alternative then please let me know
Few European countries prevent people from leaving the country for leisure or family visits. I myself have managed to travel a bit this winter.
In some places, ruling parties have complained that they simply couldn’t prevent people from leaving even if they wanted to, because freely leaving and re-entering is enshrined in the country’s constitution. The UK, Australian, and New Zealand prevention on even leaving the country is much harsher than in most other developed countries.
"Minimizing contact and travel" is not the only solution, just perhaps the only solution you personally find palatable. Keeping borders open and simply accepting deaths works for me. Deaths are bad, but a new wave of nationalism and wall-building is worse.
It's illegal for me to have a friend over because they made it illegal.
We have adverts trying to scare people into working from home, as if that's a choice.
The government is literally trolling us, just showing us that we'll do whatever as long as there's propaganda backing it.
Fuck this reality.