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The 100Mbps bandwidth cap is not great, but at least it is not 50Mbps like on the Oracle Cloud free instances (which they do not mention anywhere and customer support will play games with you just not to admit it).

Assuming you can sustain this, that's 33TB/month, or 33x more than the [more expensive] AWS lightsail.

It might not be _the best_, but for the price, how is that anything but great?

What's a case where you want to (and more importantly can) burst more than that, but only for a very short time, on such hardware?

> Assuming you can sustain this, that's 33TB/month

That’s missing the point. Most folks don’t fully saturate the pipe ~2.6M seconds a month, but it’s trivially easy to max out a 100Mbps pipe for bursts.

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