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> I suppose the big question is how well the CPU performs.

While that's true, Scaleway have an (at best) mixed reputation for IP stability and poor customer support.

eg: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24976899

Agree. I suffered of a IPv6 outage on an existing VPS for various weeks because their network migration broke something and they did not know how to solve it (I actually figured out for them what was the problem after some days, as they looked to have no clue); after ~3 weeks they came out with a "solution": create a new VPS. I had to buy an IPv4 to connect to the VM from outside in the meanwhile, which they never reimbursed me (they offer something, then stepped back). Previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22923550

I gave scaleway a try last year during one of their promos, and I recall they immediately double-charged my CC. Not the best first impression, and to me it was the last one as well.

Just to add a counter point of view, I've been a Scaleway customer for about two years now. No problems with my VPS or customer service what so ever.

I have a ticket open for 1 year. They have escalated the issue several times, but no real answer. In the meantime the ticket could be declared invalid because they have changed the implementation but they haven't even done that. Shows that their ticket process is not working. Even worse, the underlying problem is unfixed, they have not updated the kernel for C1 instances for 2.5 years and there is no supported way to run your own one. So they keep charging for an unsupported product (if customers are stupid enough to pay...). They seem to have not enough technical staff and they prioritize new development over support. They are cheap for non-critical use, but I would not trust them for anything business-relevant.

I waited like a year for them to process my GDPR request. Their customer service has been shitty outside of it as well.

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