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I think this depends on your policy. The policy at my work place is that every commit into master is always a merge commit. When looking at the git logs, we then always do:

  git log --first-parent
This only shows the top level commits (either a direct commit or a merge commit) and doesn't show any of the subcommits in the branches.

This gives us a very clean history, something like:

  commit ce29331f7da82ce528ca6e437b8893248a842169
  Merge: a14522cbf 936ef9f90
  Author: Joe Sample <joe.sample@example.com
  Date:   Tue Jul 7 14:34:20 2020 -0500
      ISS-2047 - Add ids to user invitation or creation
  commit a14522cbf32487dc590c8b6f3332d3fc9371a640
  Merge: d08342170 cb94a86b1
  Author: Jane Dow <jane.doe@example.com
  Date:   Tue Jul 7 14:28:28 2020 -0500
      ISS-2032 - If an enterprise is disabled, their api keys should be disabled
  commit d083421702e3ff50bc4c62e85b687e172e4bfe76
  Merge: 0d167d25e ba3900a4a
  Author: Joe Sample <joe.sample@example.com>
  Date:   Tue Jul 7 14:25:41 2020 -0500
      ISS-2045 - Return a reason of why the invitation was auto-cancelled

Then if I want to see everything that happened in the branch that was merged in, I can just run:

  git log d083421702e3ff50bc4c62e85b687e172e4bfe76^..d083421702e3ff50bc4c62e85b687e172e4bfe76
and see all the commits that were in that feature branch. No need to squash things or hide them.

I really wish git, by default, showed commits under a merge as a tree, rather than as a flat list. This is what bazaar (bzr now breezy) did, and it made a lot more sense when looking at the history.

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