I have started a number of successful businesses. Startups do not need "help" from the government. If you need "help" to start a software company that requires almost no capital investment, you are probably very incompetent or have chosen a very bad business plan.
Here is what startups need from government: nothing.
I don't mean no chance, I mean nothing as in the less the better.
Less paperwork, less harassment, less bureaucrats nosing around and screwing up things and creating a HOSTILE environment to do business so that their friends in the giant corporations don't have any pesky little upstarts upsetting their apple carts.
That's what small business needs to succeed. Less of everything, and preferably to be LEFT COMPLETELY ALONE.
Anytime the government is making pronouncements about helping small business and entrepreneurs and spending money on publicity campaigns and billboards and adverts and passing new laws with regulations to tell us how everything is going to be done under the new system, you can be sure of one thing. The intent is not to help small business at all. That claim is just a cover for whatever the real agenda is. Usually it is to protect big business who is entangled with various politicians.
Completely agree. I saw this site and my first thought was "they don't get it". I don't need help, I need them to get out of the damn way. I guess Government is just accustomed to providing 'help' and generally interfering when actually they can be more useful by withdrawing.
One thing I'd add is that Government could make it easier for people to live on lower income. For instance, raising the nil band of income tax which they seem to be working on but it feels like that's more Lib Dem pressure. The Cons seem to just want to talk about the 50% tax rate, which means nothing to me. This will become more important as interest rates rise and those with mortgages are further squeezed.
Here is what startups need from government: nothing.
I don't mean no chance, I mean nothing as in the less the better.
Less paperwork, less harassment, less bureaucrats nosing around and screwing up things and creating a HOSTILE environment to do business so that their friends in the giant corporations don't have any pesky little upstarts upsetting their apple carts.
That's what small business needs to succeed. Less of everything, and preferably to be LEFT COMPLETELY ALONE.
Anytime the government is making pronouncements about helping small business and entrepreneurs and spending money on publicity campaigns and billboards and adverts and passing new laws with regulations to tell us how everything is going to be done under the new system, you can be sure of one thing. The intent is not to help small business at all. That claim is just a cover for whatever the real agenda is. Usually it is to protect big business who is entangled with various politicians.