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One thing you should probably watch out for in all this is that you've used your real name and your website is personally identifiable. Depending on the Laws in your jurisdiction, what you've done (getting root on the phpfog server and accessing their twitter account) could be a criminal offence.

Indeed a quick look at Queenslands Cybercrime laws shows up

"The Queensland law introduced in 1997 uses the heading 'computer hacking and misuse' but the offence is defined as the use of a restricted computer without the consent of the computer's controller. A restricted computer is defined as one that requires a 'device, code or sequence of electronic impulses' to gain access. There is a penalty scale of two, five or 10 years maximum term of imprisonment depending on whether (1) an offender simply uses a computer, (2) causes detriment or damage, or gains or intends to gain a benefit, or (3) the detriment, damage or gain is valued at more than $5,000."

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