A part of me is happy to see these types of tools introduced to python, but another part makes me wonder why people continue to use python when they see the value of things like `Option`/`Maybe`'s, `Result`'s, instead of just using a language with the features included from the start.
In my experience, the initial ease and speed of development when using python doesn't nearly outweigh the medium to long-term costs of maintaining it and developing the codebase further - at least for codebases that are more than a simple tool or something like a django app. Writing things like go, rust, scala, java etc. isn't that much more difficult or slower, but it does require more up front planning and understanding of your problem domain.
I don't have the skills to pull it off completely, or maintain it, but I've often toyed with the idea of a language/DSL that superficially looks and behaves like Python, but transpires down into Rust or something.
Mostly just to see what a language that 'feels like' Python would be like with the addition of things like proper Option/Result's and a couple of other features (stronger typing?).
In my experience, the initial ease and speed of development when using python doesn't nearly outweigh the medium to long-term costs of maintaining it and developing the codebase further - at least for codebases that are more than a simple tool or something like a django app. Writing things like go, rust, scala, java etc. isn't that much more difficult or slower, but it does require more up front planning and understanding of your problem domain.