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The language has everything to do with it, because the language is the locus of practice. Rust practice is whatever it is, and is apparently pretty free with the use of "then" as a method name, which is fine. Javascript practice isn't the same as Rust practice, and Javascript practice includes a pretty strong norm around methods named "then".

That's why the next time I run into such a method, that doesn't belong to a promise and behave the way a promise's "then" method does, will be the first time I can remember, despite having worked primarily or exclusively in Javascript since well before promises even existed.

I'm sure there is an example somewhere on NPM of a wildcat "then", and that if you waste enough of your time you can find it. So what, though? People violate Rust idioms too from time to time, I'm sure. I doubt you'd argue that that calls Rust idioms themselves into question. Why does it do so with Javascript?

It doesn't call into question the idioms of either language. It does call into question the idea of programmatically deciding whether or not something is a promise based on the assumption that the idiom was followed.

People bounce around between languages, especially to javascript. An expert javascript dev might not call things "then" but the many dabblers might. Going back to the original point this is a footgun, not only an avenue for malicious code to cause trouble.

So your point ultimately is that duck-typing isn't ideal? I mean, I agree, but I'm not sure where this gets us that we weren't before.

I don't actually mind duck-typing.

My primary point is just that you are mistaken when claiming that this bug could only be surfaced by malicious code.

My secondary (somewhat implicit) point is that having an "is-promise" function is a mistake when there is no way to tell if something actually is or is not a promise. This library/function name is lying to the programmers using it about what it is actually capable of, and that's likely to create bugs.

I mind duck typing! That's why I'm so fond of Typescript, where everything that shows up where a promise should be is reliably either instanceof Promise, or instanceof something that implements Promise, or a compile-time error.

Absent that evolved level of tooling, and especially in an environment still dealing with the legacy of slow standardization and competing implementations that I mentioned in another comment, you're stuck with best effort no matter what. In the case of JS and promises, because of the norm I described earlier in this thread, best effort is easily good enough to be going on with. It's not ideal, but what in engineering practice ever is?

So, I mind poorly implemented duck typing, I also mildly mind dynamic typing, but in principle I think static duck typing could be not bad.

With javascript promises in particular, the duck typing suffers from this unfortunate fact that you can't easily check if something can be awaited-upon or not. I don't think I really care if something is a promise, so long as I can do everything I want to to it. So I view the issues here as this function over-claiming what it can do, the limitation on the typesystem preventing us from checking the await-ability of an object, and the lack of static type checking. None of those are necessitated by duck typing.

I disagree that you're stuck with this best-effort function. It's perfectly possible to architect the system so you never need to query whether or not an object is a promise. Given the lack of ability to accurately answer that question, it seems like the correct thing to do. At the very least I'd prefer if this function was called "looks-vaguely-like-a-promise" instead of "is-promise".

Now we're kind of just litigating how "is-promise" is used in CRA, or more accurately in whichever of CRA's nth-level dependencies uses it, because CRA's codebase itself never mentions it.

I don't care enough to go dig that out on a Saturday afternoon, but I suspect that if I did, we'd end up agreeing that whoever is using it could, by dint of sufficient effort, have found a better way.

On the other hand, this appears to be the first time it's been a significant problem, and that only for the space of a few hours, none of which were business hours. That's a chance I'd be willing to take - did take, I suppose, in the sense that my team's primary product is built on CRA - because I'm an engineer, not a scientist, and my remit is thus to produce not something that's theoretically correct in all circumstances, but instead something that's exactly as solid as it has to be to get the job done, and no more. Not that this isn't, in the Javascript world as in any other, sometimes much akin to JWZ's "trying to make a bookshelf out of mashed potatoes". But hey, you know what? If the client only asks for a bookshelf that lasts for a minute, and the mashed potatoes are good enough for that, then I'll break open a box of Idaho™ Brand I Can't Believe It's Not Real Promises and get to work.

I grant this is not a situation that everyone finds satisfactory, nor should they; the untrammeled desire for perfection, given sufficient capacity on the part of its possessor and sufficient scope for them to execute on their visions, is exactly what produces tools like Typescript, that make it easier for workaday engineers like yours truly to more closely approach perfection, within budget, than we otherwise could. There's value in that. But there's value in "good enough", too.

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