Certain password managers like 1Password offer the ability to generate MFA tokens within the same app. While that is certainly convenient, doesn’t it defeat the purpose of MFA altogether?
I have found some posts[1][2] indicating that it may not be as risky as I think, BUT I wonder if there is more to the story. Thoughts?
[1] https://blog.1password.com/totp-for-1password-users/
[2] https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/194142/is-it-safe-to-store-2fa-tokens-together-with-passwords-in-1password
PS. Let’s stick to software tokens for the purpose of this discussion and not debate physical vs software token generators.
My employer uses LastPass Enterprise, and I’ve helped manage that part of the system for years. In my experience, LastPass is more clunky for things done outside the browser, but they have better browser integration than 1Password. LastPass is also much better suited in an Enterprise environment.
Many people at work use various tools for creating MFA tokens, including Authy, the Google Authenticator app, the Microsoft Authenticator app, etc.... but I primarily use the LastPass Authenticator app.
I have not made any attempt to use 1Password for personal MFA purposes. I am not at all convinced it is well suited to that role, either.