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There is no mention of the read broadcast being overlaid by or fading into the attackers signal, which I would expect if they were pointing an antenna very carefully to maximize their attack.

Instead, I think someone physically unplugged a signal cable somewhere and plugged in their own feed. Possibly even an insider.

-Just wagering a guess here - the link was probably frequency modulated; an FM receiver has a very strong capture effect - the strongest signal received on the tuned frequency is the only one demodulated; any other, weaker signals are effectively just raising the noise floor.

Exactly this. This is why planes use AM and not FM so at least you can tell if you're doubling with another station.

Slight nit-pick: while aircraft primarily use AM, FM is frequently used in services like fire-fighting and forestry.

Source: installed FM radios more times than I can count, including troubleshooting one last month

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