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Was just talking about the Zune the other day. I really with Microsoft would release a new one or a phone or something. I’d love to just have a dedicated music player when traveling so I don’t use up my phones battery.

Music playback from local storage uses a minuscule amount of battery - if you listen all day, you’re going to lose only an hour or so of standby on a modern phone.

You’d be better off spending the same money to buy a battery pack to recharge your phone when it runs low.

True and I have two huge battery banks but I still don’t like using my phone. Keeping my huge music library eats into my video and photo storage. And it’s not like Apple lets me stick a micro sd card in.

Maybe I should just bite the bullet and switch.

Uses, or should use? On an Android device (S5) I've found the battery usage from music playing not-insignificant - perhaps it prevents the phone from fully entering standby, or something? At a very rough estimate, I'd say it uses 20% as much power to play music as active usage requires, though this is very much anecdata.

Either way, I'll second the recommendation to get an external battery pack - a high-quality one will give more audio playback time than a media player, with much more utility and convenience.

Most modern phones (not sure for S5 which is pretty old these days, but Nexus 5 was the first to introduce it) have a separate DSP for music playback.

The app must use Androids playback API though.

You really have countless options these days. DAP / digital audio players experience a kind of renaissance, particularly among audiophile users.

I'd recommend to look at options by Sony, Fiio, Astell & Kern, Onkyo, Cowon, iBasso or Pioneer. Find additional information at the Head-Fi forums: https://www.head-fi.org/forums/portable-source-gear.15/

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