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The iPod got the first mover advantage when it comes to large MP3 players.

I had a Creative Nomad before the first iPod came out, which also had about 4GB of storage.

1. The Creative Nomad had a slow-refresh screen with mushy buttons, vs a wheel on smooth ball-bearings and a quickly refreshing screen and intuitive hierarchy to navigate

2. The iPod took about a second per song to transfer music with Firewire, compared to the ridiculously slow USB on the Creative Nomad

3. The Creative Zomad was a little larger than a Discman, and fit in a very large pocket. The iPod fit into jean pockets

To be fair firewire wasn't used all be that much. It really was under deployed. Apple didn't have the clout to push back then. When you are 5-10 percent of a market for twenty years, maybe they are not the power house they are known as

The nomad was far superior to the iPod in my experience (you didn't have to use the garage iTunes software). Currently the Dell XPS line kicks the shit out of anything apple has made. A pure Android pixel surpasses an iPhone in every way possible.

Not every way possible. The pixel is a great device, but in some small areas it can't even compete with the iPhone. For example, haptics. the current iPhone has haptics so much better than anyone else it's not even funny. And on the software side, they have the ridiculously user-friendly airDrop.

Sorry to say the iPhone might still be sorta competitive, but lost the war a while ago

And yes every way possible reason, its on my list "don't recommend unless I hate the person" if I could give a yelp review, it edge out Samsumng slightly

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