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Why would you teach children to help companies harvest their data by accurately filling in forms for them?

If they we're all just innocent checks to see if they should be offered a product or not I could see your argument. Companies however, have weaponized personal data and once given away it can't come back. They should be adding noise to any data they have to give up just to help mask themselves in the digital world.

COPPA means companies are severely limited to the information they can gather on children.

When a child fills out a form with a fake, older, age it increasesthe amount of data that canbe collected about that child.

Even if you believed that companies were following the law, which I do not, then you still have to contend with the fact that most software shops are run in such a slipshod manner that you virtually garunteed to have your data stolen when that company is hacked

It would seem that the optimal solution is to lie about your age, while still using an age low enough to trigger those legal protections. The best of both worlds...

That’s why they should lie with the information of a different child.

So little Alice, age 12, born in July, becomes little Bobby, age 11, born in October.

That still leaks information that they are a child, or at least likely to be a child. If children are given a substandard version of things, the average person wouldn't voluntarily agree to take that version

so just put in a fake younger age

> Why would you teach children to help companies harvest their data by accurately filling in forms for them?

They also need to learn not to trust everything they hear.

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