Apple sells me a locked down hardware platform that requires me to go through them for all software purchases and all data purchases made with that software.
A. You can choose to buy an Android phone like 80%+ of the smart phone world.
B. You can buy content outside of the Apple store and use it within the app (Amazon, Udemy, Spotify, Google Play Music, every video streaming service, etc.)
It seems unreasonable to me that Apple should get a cut of my Amazon Video purchases.
They don't, in fact you can't buy Amazon content within the app.
Amazon does not offer you the option because the only way they could offer it is if they gave Apple their 30% cut. Same super annoying reason you cannot buy books in the kindle app.
A. You can choose to buy an Android phone like 80%+ of the smart phone world.
B. You can buy content outside of the Apple store and use it within the app (Amazon, Udemy, Spotify, Google Play Music, every video streaming service, etc.)
It seems unreasonable to me that Apple should get a cut of my Amazon Video purchases.
They don't, in fact you can't buy Amazon content within the app.