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Octopart very well received after its first time on the Reddit frontpage (reddit.com)
45 points by robertk on April 24, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

The entire thing is pretty funny - we never thought an electronic parts search engine would get on the front page of reddit. Here are the reddit stats: 4056 unique ips, ~10000 queries

The reddit post also got us traffic from popurls.com (157), wired.com (37), and some random traffic from stumbleupon.

I have a new appreciation for reddit comments. Redditors are extremely intelligent people expressing well thought out points of view which I agree with whole heartedly. I'm going to start using the testimonials in our VC slide deck.


Is VC funding the plan then? I would think this was a great example of a business that just becomes profitable... Presumably you get commission for each purchase you refer? Or is it not setup that way?

Sounds like you could also start a nice side business selling clean pants to the visitors from reddit. But who can blame them Octopart is awesome.

I'm not really in Octopart's demographic so I can't attest to its usefulness, but the comments on Reddit seem incredibly positive. You must be doing something right. Congrats on the continued praise and positive feedback you guys seem to be getting.

Yeah, been trying to push them on the oldheads at work. It's so much better than Digikey or Mouser. They should promote it in the engineering mags (EDN,etc) or get Bob Pease or someone like that to write about them. Get the word out.

Although, unfortunately, the time v.s. maturity of audience curve for reddit really shines through here...

Here is a comment that really sums it up, though:

this lists all the parts that may fit your description, then when you choose one it gives you who has it, how many in stock and for how much w/ price breaks. !!!!! 15 mins of searching reduced to 30s. I wish I had that last semester...

you know you've made it when people in the reddit comment threads lose control of their bodily functions in response to your product...

Octopart Inc. cannot be held responsible for the preexisting medical conditions of its users.

Great job, Octoparticons! (Feel free to use that name in your literature ;))


Octopartisans, surely?


update: Octoparticles?

I've always called them Octobuddies.

Sam and Andres?

AND Harish! Who incidentally, is solely responsible for the ultra-fast attribute filters.



Well, there is no reddit front page anymore, right? There is only your front page, which depends on which subreddits you have on.

I think the "front page" is the one shown to non-logged-in users, since they probably make up the majority (?)

So, any plans to launch in the UK? I don't do much electronics stuff myself these days, but I know a few people who'd be interested. The site looks great.

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