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US here, got issued a chipped card about a year ago and noticed quickly that any attempt to swipe with my card would be greeted with an error message and instructions to insert the chip. For all systems I've seen, it seems that if the merchant accepts chips and if the card has a chip, the chip must be used, regardless of any user reluctance.

If it’s a chip card and the vendor doesn’t use the chip, then they are responsible for all fraudulent transactions.

If they do use the chip, then the card issuing bank is responsible for all fraudulent transactions.

This rule was supposed to go into place over a year ago. But most places couldn’t be bothered to update their equipment, so it had to be postponed.

Even now, many places still can’t be bothered. Makes me care about them just that much less.

Most readers I have experimented with in the US will allow a swipe after 3 unsuccesful chip reads (inserting card in opposite direction w/ chip exposed).

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