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I use acme.sh in production on several servers.

When I decided to use it, I was looking for something I could read and understand in less than a day. The one file approach helped this. Lots of code bases are designed for easy change, which often means many small files, so you find the right line easier if you know which file you have to go to.

Because of historic reasons, I use it mainly with Apache, which I configure manually. I know there are options for automatic update of the config, but these weren't there when I read the script first. For me personally there are two problems - maybe these are even addressed in new versions of acme.sh, I haven't checked yet.

1. Apache won't load the vhost config for https if it can't find the key and cert files. Which now means, I have to use a http-only config and another full featured http/https when the challenge is done. 2. My typos in (sub-)domains are one of the main sources of confusion when I try to get a new certificate. I think using dig or host and curl it should be possible to warn the user in this circumstances.

Maybe you could write a small script that checks the parameters using your rules, then calls acme.sh passing these parameters?

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