I thought this was going to be a way to translate arbitrary text into a universal "voice", so you could post online without your writing style giving you away.
For example: an airline trying to determine if a passenger is on the no-fly list, without having the no-fly list, and without the authorities knowing which passenger the airline is inquiring about.
Thanks ! You can also have PSI with OT-based protocol, actually, I think that the OT-based protocol is one of the fastest for PSI. ENCRYPTO has a very nice library for it: https://github.com/encryptogroup/PSI if you are interested, paper here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/930.
Two-party computation is really amazing. If anybody here is interested in a more "do-it-yourself" approach to garbled circuits, I described an open-source, Python-in/Garbled-Verilog-out toolchain on my GitHub.
The example shows that you can play a game or Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock over the 'net and know if you have won without telling the opponent your move. (And without a trusted 3rd party, of course)