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> Russia IS the enemy

In what sense?

In a very direct sense.

It's a de facto totalitarian dictatorship. Its proliferation harms human rights, poses real danger to Ukraine, claims lives. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Ukrainian_cr... , corruption also claims lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eO8ZHfV4fk )

You could say a lot worse about many US allies. Saudi Arabia anyone? Human rights are irrelevant when the US government decides who is an enemy and who is an ally.

But you could say much of the same about the US.

Much of the same?

Do you refer to military intervention in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, ...?

Do you dispute that these countries/areas are/were different from Ukraine?

No you couldn't. This is from the point of view of the US state. The US is not a direct enemy of the US.

You are right. It's not so black and white.

One fact you can't argue with is Russian government is telling their people US is the enemy.

Follow @JuliaDavisNews . She posts gists of Russian state-controlled TV.

If it's not US, it's EU/NATO/gays/"democracy" (I'm not kidding you about democracy)

When has the Russian government ever said the US was the enemy? The only saber rattling sound is coming from Washington.

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