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A lot of that is because Russia and China don't feel very secure compared to the US for various historical/geopolitical reasons. The US govt is known to act ruthlessly when it feels there's an existential threat.

Feel like this is moving goalposts, especially given the context of this discussion (IT corps protecting their users from the government).

Think about the fact that the FBI had to actually get a warrant to even begin talking to Lavabit. They had to actually go through bureaucracy. It was not instantly handed over to them on request.

But they have successfully shut down the Lavabit as a result.

As a Ukrainian Jew, the idea that Russia doesn't act as, if not more, ruthlessly than the U.S. is pretty laughable.

As an Arab Muslim, the idea that the US is any better is laughable.

You must not live in Afghanistan.

As a Turkish atheist, I cannot even express my feelings on the Internet.

The Soviet Union committed far worse crimes up to the 1950’s. The US did far worse (Vietnam, Iraq, many other wars) since WW2.

The Russian government is presently bombing hospitals in Syria.

Sure. So did the US in Mosul.

Arrant nonsense

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