There was a nice comic/picture of this. I tend to follow it. Basically using 3-4 short words as a phrase instead of random characters. You can toss special characters inbetween/before/after. They are also much easier to remember. Password "FoolMeOnce!ShameOnMe" for example.
Well, it was an example, but I agree. For everything that I can I use keepass with better autogenerated random passwords, but for things like home WiFi and others that I may have to type in manually I'll use a phrase like this. A more random phrase is certainly more secure.
log2(10^16) = 53 bits of entropy or 300 years if your attacker can do a million guesses per second (the link says 1000 keys per second, but that's on the CPU).
You could also use `cat /usr/share/dict/words` instead of the `curl`, which is a much larger word list, but you get impractical passwords like "globular cellulose's malnutrition's dangling".
shuf is not a crypto tool, and the GNU coreutils are written to be cross-platform, even where /dev/urandom doesn't exist, or is unreliable. That's my guess, at least.