It's a bug in a smart contract, but the root cause is the bug-prone design of Solidity. It's hard to write bug-free code in Solidity (or anything targetting EVM actually), and nearly impossible to be confident that a given contract is bug-free., the company author of the bug, is a top-notch Ethereum actor. If they can neither get a wallet contract right, nor realise that it's faulty, then who can write and trust any non-trivial Ethereum contract?
How many DAO or Parity trainwrecks before people admit that Ethereum isn't a dependable platform?, the company author of the bug, is a top-notch Ethereum actor. If they can neither get a wallet contract right, nor realise that it's faulty, then who can write and trust any non-trivial Ethereum contract?
How many DAO or Parity trainwrecks before people admit that Ethereum isn't a dependable platform?