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Hi! I'm Naren, the other co-founder of FloydHub. I'll be happy to answer any questions and really appreciate any feedback you can provide. Thanks!

Features page says "Develop interactively on the cloud using Jupyter Notebook. Your code, results and outputs are always preserved."

But http://docs.floydhub.com/guides/jupyter/ says "IMPORTANT: Floyd does not save your Jupyter notebooks after you stop the floyd job. So you need to download any relevant notebooks by selecting File > Download As menu from the Jupyter notebook."

Which is it?

The warning in the documentation page is no longer valid. We DO save the notebook files and keep them after the session is terminated. They will be part of the run output.

The docs have been updated to reflect this. Thanks for pointing this out.

The landing-page responsiveness on mobile breaks the layout at several points. Otherwise good content on there so far!

Thanks for the catch. My web development skills are definitely sub-par. Fixed the landing page now, to some extent. Hopefully it's not rendering it unreadable.

The first link to the pricing page on the FAQ points to localhost.

Everything else looks really slick!

Ah! Late night coding error :) It is fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out.

What tech did you use to build the homepage?

React + Redux for frontend. react-bootstrap + Bootswatch Paper theme for the UI. This was my first foray into anything web related, so it's good to see positive feedback.

Curious about the name - why Floyd?

When we started out, we were just building a bot (droid) to manage our deep learning workflows (scheduling jobs, logging results, etc.)

So, Flow + Droid => Floyd. Also, a hat tip to one of my favorite bands :)

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