That's pretty cool, but I recently got a HDTV and the Wii is the worst-looking input into it at 480p. The $99 Roku player looks fantastic at 720p, even when the video you're playing isn't specifically in HD.
Keep in mind that much of netflix content just isnt available in HD -- because it was never made as such. For this stuff it doesnt matter as much and is very nice.
It's true that much of the streaming content is not HD, but Netflix goes to interesting lengths to get the original sources and re-encode them for a better streaming experience. has the details. They're not just taking the original SD broadcast signal and digitizing it. So even though it wasn't made in HD, in many cases it looks better than it ever did when it was first broadcast, or even than seen on DVD.
Im not arguing that point. Im arguing that untill Warner Bros, Fox, et al get around to releasing on blu-ray the only way to get that contet is dvd. Netflix is not in the biz of scannning film, so they are stuck with what they are given. Most of that is DVDs
I can't wait for this. For the most part, I don't care about the quality of it (at best 480p). As long as it's not choppy, I could care less if Burt Reynolds' mustache is pixelated.
Even if this is true, I imagine the video quality will be less than spectacular. Back when I was trying to finagle the Wii into a media center, I could never get videos to playback above a certain bitrate/resolution. My guess would be 480p at best.
That said, I will be very happy if/when this happens. A macbook does not a media center make.
I'm not sure the Wii qualifies any better than a macbook. Struggling to do 480p, which you concede could possibly be the highest resolution it will output, does not make it better than a macbook IMO.