31. | | Show HN: Easiest UTM Tags Builder (utmbuilder.net) | |
17 points by shubhamjain on May 7, 2016 | 5 comments
32. | | Swift for Windows (codeplex.com) | |
43 points by chrisamanse on May 7, 2016 | 21 comments
33. | | Is Empty Nose Syndrome Real? If Not, Why Are People Killing Themselves Over It (buzzfeed.com) | |
64 points by r721 on May 7, 2016 | 70 comments
34. | | SQLite schema boilerplate for user accounts, roles, logins and auth tokens (github.com/membership) | |
58 points by koistya on May 7, 2016 | 20 comments
35. | | Saudi Arabia government overhaul sees oil minister removed (bbc.com) | |
29 points by okket on May 7, 2016 | 3 comments
36. | | [dupe] Ivy League economist ethnically profiled, interrogated for doing math on AA flt (washingtonpost.com) | |
94 points by dankohn1 on May 7, 2016 | 45 comments
37. | | People with more friends have higher pain thresholds, study suggests (theguardian.com) | |
15 points by givan on May 7, 2016 | 4 comments
38. | | Homeland Security Wants to Subpoena Us Over a Clearly Hyperbolic Comment (techdirt.com) | |
47 points by xkiwi on May 7, 2016 | 4 comments
39. | | Why Are Tenured Philosophy Professors Unhappy? (philpercs.com) | |
35 points by luu on May 7, 2016 | 62 comments
40. | | The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion (nationalgeographic.com) | |
51 points by wslh on May 7, 2016 | 28 comments
41. | |  Supervisors: A Conceptual Understanding (medium.com/stevenleiva1) | |
8 points by thibaut_barrere on May 7, 2016
42. | | [flagged] Devaa.txt (janit.iki.fi) | |
5 points by velmu on May 7, 2016 | 1 comment
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