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Stories from March 22, 2007
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1. What's the lowest offer you'd take?
21 points by bhb on March 22, 2007 | 52 comments
2. Netflix: Take as much vacation as you want. (mercurynews.com)
14 points by far33d on March 22, 2007 | 7 comments
3. Startup founders, what books did you find most helpful?
13 points by python_kiss on March 22, 2007 | 39 comments
4. Schedule up for Startup School -- includes a recent founders panel (startupschool.org)
13 points by vegashacker on March 22, 2007 | 2 comments
5. Is Good Design a liability when you're trying to appeal to the Masses? (MySpace vs. Virb) (mikeindustries.com)
10 points by joshwa on March 22, 2007 | 12 comments
6. The Traffic Stats for Digg & The Other Top Bookmarking Sites Revealed! (ebizmba.com)
11 points by stevendavis0830 on March 22, 2007 | 4 comments
7. Founder of Silicon Valley "as detestable as he always appeared" (newstatesman.com)
8 points by Sam_Odio on March 22, 2007 | 4 comments
8. Exciting Times To Be An Entrepreneur In America (scribd.com)
7 points by Elfan on March 22, 2007
9. "...it has also been my observation that a majority of all entrepreneurs have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or AD/HD." (about.com)
6 points by amichail on March 22, 2007 | 6 comments
10. NBC, NewsCorp to announce YouTube Competitor (techcrunch.com)
5 points by far33d on March 22, 2007 | 6 comments
11. Techcrunch empire to expand into seed-stage financing (blicio.us)
6 points by kf on March 22, 2007 | 6 comments
12. CIOs Spurn Web 2.0 Startups - Enterprises Want Suites and Large, Incumbent Software Vendors (readwriteweb.com)
6 points by danw on March 22, 2007 | 6 comments
13. Overtime and Startups (jroller.com)
5 points by brett on March 22, 2007 | 2 comments
14. User Community and ROI (headrush.typepad.com)
5 points by python_kiss on March 22, 2007
15. 3 Different Ways To Market Your Web App (readwriteweb.com)
5 points by joshwa on March 22, 2007
16. HP goes web 2.0, buys Tabblo (gigaom.com)
3 points by danielha on March 22, 2007 | 1 comment
17. Why are there so few startups outside of the US? (paulgraham.com)
4 points by Sam_Odio on March 22, 2007
18. Anyone like to be Co-Founder from Bangalore - INDIA ? (google.com)
4 points by cdprashanth on March 22, 2007
19. Why Popular Sites Are "Ugly" (bueno.org)
3 points by aristus on March 22, 2007 | 8 comments
20. Nick Bradbury on Tips for Independent Developers (creative-restraint.co.uk)
3 points by rmason on March 22, 2007
21. DFJ's Fast First Close (kedrosky.com)
3 points by veritas on March 22, 2007 | 1 comment
22. Dekoh Challenges Apollo As Desktop/Web Platform (readwriteweb.com)
3 points by danw on March 22, 2007
23. New Technique Stores Data in Bacteria DNA (livescience.com)
3 points by bctaner on March 22, 2007
24. How to be Silicon Valley (paulgraham.com)
3 points by Sam_Odio on March 22, 2007
25. If Viaweb was a YC-funded Startup Today, What Would it Look Like?
3 points by staunch on March 22, 2007 | 5 comments
26. Best Buy scores exclusive deal for Apple TV (news.com.com)
2 points by mattculbreth on March 22, 2007
27. First privately funded spacecraft to achieve orbital height (latimes.com)
2 points by lupin_sansei on March 22, 2007
28. Secrets of Success (synapsoftware.com)
2 points by paul on March 22, 2007 | 1 comment
29. YC Companies: Where are they now?
2 points by danw on March 22, 2007 | 4 comments
30. What's the best way of giving away equity to co-founders e.g. on specific targets met, options, vesting etc?
2 points by jamescoops on March 22, 2007 | 4 comments

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