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Stories from February 1, 2014
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1. How in-app purchases have destroyed the game industry (baekdal.com)
829 points by seivan on Feb 1, 2014 | 524 comments
2. Microsoft please clean your store of junk (postach.io)
346 points by sardorbek on Feb 1, 2014 | 110 comments
3. Big changes to Erlang (joearms.github.io)
325 points by waffle_ss on Feb 1, 2014 | 133 comments
4. Ask HN: Who is hiring? (February 2014)
299 points by whoishiring on Feb 1, 2014 | 381 comments
5. We Are Giving Ourselves Cancer (nytimes.com)
260 points by uladzislau on Feb 1, 2014 | 155 comments
6. School ditches rules and loses bullies (tvnz.co.nz)
253 points by luu on Feb 1, 2014 | 108 comments
7. Honest Android Games (honestandroidgames.com)
230 points by shawndumas on Feb 1, 2014 | 67 comments
8. Bitcoins the hard way: Using the raw Bitcoin protocol (righto.com)
229 points by kens on Feb 1, 2014 | 26 comments
9. The Only Interview Question That Matters (inc.com)
199 points by engassa on Feb 1, 2014 | 173 comments
10. Why I’ll be Pirating Adobe’s Products From Now On (parkerrr.com)
164 points by ifrins on Feb 1, 2014 | 172 comments
11. Video conversations with up to 8 people for free. No login, no installs (whereby.com)
149 points by ecthiender on Feb 1, 2014 | 73 comments
12. Fixing Windows 8 (2013) (jaymachalani.com)
145 points by JoshGlazebrook on Feb 1, 2014 | 104 comments
13. Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (February 2014)
128 points by whoishiring on Feb 1, 2014 | 160 comments
14. Ask HN: Best IRC channels?
125 points by dakrisht on Feb 1, 2014 | 91 comments
15. Belgian professor in cryptography hacked (standaard.be)
106 points by 1337biz on Feb 1, 2014 | 28 comments
16. Microsoft backs off on Metro (computerworld.com)
100 points by tanglesome on Feb 1, 2014 | 113 comments
17. Why Bloom filters work the way they do (2012) (michaelnielsen.org)
99 points by BIackSwan on Feb 1, 2014 | 6 comments
18. Mailpile Alpha Release: Shipping Bits and Atoms (mailpile.is)
91 points by yuvadam on Feb 1, 2014 | 45 comments
19. China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military (thediplomat.com)
82 points by fortepianissimo on Feb 1, 2014 | 101 comments
20. Partial Application in JavaScript using bind() (passy.svbtle.com)
76 points by ch0wn on Feb 1, 2014 | 38 comments
21. The best todo list app for any developer (coderwall.com)
71 points by PostingWithPSP on Feb 1, 2014 | 64 comments
22. OpenHatch – Find open source projects to contribute to; find mentors (openhatch.org)
69 points by sedeki on Feb 1, 2014 | 21 comments
23. Objective-Smalltalk (github.com/mpw)
68 points by jcla1 on Feb 1, 2014 | 67 comments
24. Reinventing Explanation (michaelnielsen.org)
68 points by bentoner on Feb 1, 2014 | 10 comments
25. Ask PG: What is the best non-computer hack ever described in a YC application?
63 points by networked on Feb 1, 2014
26. Workers bought sugar from supermarket to slow cement flood on Victoria Line (standard.co.uk)
64 points by raphar on Feb 1, 2014 | 39 comments
27. Show HN: Why sign a NDA when you can just pinky swear instead? (pinky-swear.herokuapp.com)
63 points by mjhea0 on Feb 1, 2014 | 35 comments
28. Through a Face Scanner Darkly (newyorker.com)
51 points by bmac27 on Feb 1, 2014 | 39 comments
29. As Argentine Peso Falters, President Keeps a Low Profile (nytimes.com)
50 points by wslh on Feb 1, 2014 | 55 comments
30. Build your own Buffer App service – a weekend hack (farhan.org)
55 points by alienfluid on Feb 1, 2014 | 9 comments

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